October 6


What does a woman look for in a man? What can you offer her? Become that eligible guy!

By Kenneth Lim

October 6, 2019

Hey my friend?

No doubt, you’ll have certain criteria, of what sort of a woman you will have in

Or, at least, if not very specific, some idea of a certain type – her age, what she could look like, hair colour/style, culture, maybe even her Ethnicity is important – basically, some sort of ideal  woman you would prefer to meet

It’s natural to want that and, even if that means, to your friends and family, you are seen as ‘Picky’ so what? So be it!

Remember though – if you are under the belief or impression looks are absolutely everything – this is NOT true, or there is only partial truth to what her subconscious mind seeks in a man

In terms of what she looks for in a man, it’s obviously an advantage being a good looking guy, which in itself is subjective (what exactly is good looking – for her?)

Of course, we cannot choose our looks, and, even if you don’t necessarily fit into what would, to most women, be regarded as being good looking, there are things to consider way beyond just looks, that can land you the girl of your dreams

As a general rule of thumb, most women out there, who are generally seen upon as being emotionally balanced, and, in this case, heterosexual – will subconsciously seek an emotionally and financially stable man – regardless of what level of income this might be for you; of course, if you are very successful and wealthy, this only gives you a distinct advantage along with being emotionally balanced.

It almost goes without saying, that they would also be generally ‘turned off’ by things such as poor hygiene, general untidy/un-kempt appearance, bad hair or out-dated dress sense

And, from my own dating experiences, footwear is very important; as one of the very first things a woman notices in you!

Whether that is sneakers, trainers or smart shoes, they will pay the slightest attention to the fact that your footwear is ragged, worn out or has holes in them!

And they often make ‘snap’ judgements’ as first impressions on the condition or smartness of your footwear!

So what else do you think she will look for in a man?

What other qualities do you believe you would need, to give you distinct advantages in your dating success?

Questions, comments and feedback welcome!

Kenneth Lim

About the author

Spiritual, holistically inclined and on a personal journey of discovery and development. I have embraced the last 30 years learning about myself, developing myself in spiritual enlightenment and awareness, and understanding how to interact with others. I have always been fascinated with observing people too - and my own journey into finding the right soulmate has been a long, and very interesting road, full of personal 'insight' and 'understanding myself' from the 'inside-out', rather than the 'outside-in'. I have always looked to find inner happiness and contentment, and heal myself from within, rather than look for external sources of ways to become happier!

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